Why you should read daily: 10 PERKS OF READING BOOKS

The advantages of reading books are endless.

But let’s face it: When we have options like watching the movie, listening to the audiobook, or watching a YouTube video synopsis, it might be difficult to get ourselves to read a 382-page book.

Am I right?

However, if most of your daily reading consists of social media posts, text messages, and news headlines, you’re missing out.

So, what are the benefits of reading books?

If you’re interested in reading more books but need some motivation, this article’s for you. After all, when you understand the importance of reading books, you’re more likely to do it.

What Are the Benefits of Reading Books?
Here are 10 benefits of reading that illustrate the importance of reading books. When you read every day you:

Gain valuable knowledge
Exercise your brain
Improve your focus
Improve your memory
Enjoy entertainment
Improve your ability to empathize
Improve your communication skills
Reduce stress
Improve your mental health
Live longer
Now, let’s dive a little deeper to better understand the advantages of reading.

  1. Gain Valuable Knowledge
    One of the most obvious benefits of reading every day is learning.

And unlike a YouTube video or podcast, books provide access to in-depth knowledge. In other words, if you want to become more productive, which do you think you’ll learn more from:

A book by someone who’s studied productivity for 20 years,
Or a 10-minute YouTube video by someone interested in the topic?
Which do you think you’ll absorb more from? Which do you think is more likely to help change your habits? Books, of course!

Going beyond the surface of a subject is essential to success, too. This is probably why the author Roald Dahl once said, “If you are going to get anywhere in life, you have to read a lot of books.”

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